
Earrings on this page are currently for sale. If you no longer see a piece featured on this page that means that it is unfortunately no longer available. Please email bdesignsjewelry@gmail.com with any questions and for purchasing information. 
"Elisabeth" - Vintage findings, gold-filled hooks - $22
"Sara" - Carved vintage glass, Dalamtion jasper, sterling silver hooks - $25
"Lisa" - Black coral, turquoise, sterling silver hooks - $28
"Leslie" - Agate, sterling silver hooks - $30
"Ashley" - Vintage findings on gold-filled hooks - $38
"Carrie" - Hot pink Swarovski rounds with gold-filled findings & hooks - $45
"Megan" - Vintage acrylic on gold-filled chain & hooks - $32
"Alycia" - Gold-filled & Sterling Silver chain on Sterling Silver hooks - $28
"Kristen" - Wood findings on Sterling Silver hooks - $24
"Jane" - Vintage Dogwood charms on Sterling Silver hooks - $28
"Robyn" - Smokey Quartz & glass on Sterling Silver chain & hooks - $30
"Brandy" - Agate on Sterling Silver chain & hooks - $32
"Brie" - Coral & glass on Sterling Silver hooks - $34
"Katie" - Agate & Smokey Quartz on gold-filled hooks - $36
"Kari" - Blue & white agate on Sterling Silver hooks - $28
"Lauren" - Black Coral & acrylic "bones" on gold-filled hooks - $28
"Jen" - Agate, Labradorite & Pearl on Sterling Silver Findings - $38

"Emily" - Turquoise, blue glass, sterling hooks - $26
"Andie" - Carved vintage glass, glass beads, sterling hooks - $28
"Suzie" - Carnelian, gold-filled wire and hooks - $32